Degree : | Indiana University-Bloomington Ph.D. |
ㅇ 현재, 연세대학교 글로벌창의융합대학 글로벌행정학과 조교수
ㅇ 고려대학교 연구교수 2019-2020
ㅇ 미국 서던캘리포니아대학교 박사후 연구원 (Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA, 2018-2019)
ㅇ 미국 인디애나대학교 행정학박사(O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA, 2018)
ㅇ 미국 애리조나주립대학교 정책학 석사, 2010
ㅇ 연세대학교 행정학 석사, 2007
ㅇ Han, Yousueng & Robertson, Peter J. (2021) "Public Employee Accountability: An Empirical Examination of a Nomological Network." Public Performance & Management Review. 44(3): 494-522
ㅇ Han, Yousueng & Perry, James L. (2020) “Conceptual Bases of Employee Accountability: A Psychological Approach.” Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 3(4):288-304
ㅇ Han, Yousueng (2020). “The Impact of Accountability Deficit on Agency Performance: Performance-Accountability Regime.” Public Management Review. 22(6):927-948 (최고권위지)
ㅇ Han, Yousueng & Perry, James L. (2020) “Employee Accountability: Development of a Multidimensional Scale.” International Public Management Journal. 23(2):224-251
ㅇHwang, Kwangseon & Han, Yousueng (2020). “Exploring the Sources of Cognitive Gap between Accountability and Performance.” Public Personnel Management. 49(3):393–420
ㅇ Suzuki, Kohei & Han, Yousueng. (2019). “Does Citizen Participation Affect Municipal Performance? - Electoral Competition and Fiscal Performance in Japan.” Public Money & Management 39(4):300-309
ㅇ Han, Yousueng & Hong, Sounman. (2019). “The Impact of Accountability on Organizational Performance in the US Federal Government: Moderating Role of Autonomy.” Review of Public Personnel Administration 39(1):3-23